Friday, January 27, 2012

Finally Friday!

Yeah it is Friday and the work week is ending!!  Today has been good so far, nothing to crazy and just enough work to keep me from going stir crazy.  Actually got some housework done this morning, so I actually felt productive before I even got into the office.  Also had my day made by the great barista (whose name is totally escaping me right now) at my regular haunt, besides greeting me with a smile, he complimented me on my hair.  Said it look great!  I cut it back in December to a much more manageable length (baby girl was pulling it out by the handful) and it is what I call my Rapunzel hair.  I love Rapunzel (my favorite Disney princess) and I absolutely adore her hair at the end of the movie after it is cut.  I know, everyone desire the long blond hair, not me!  I like it short and fun! 

As promised here is the recipe for the quick and easy microwave omelet I make each morning.

½ cup of Egg substitute
1 handful of baby spinach
3 mushrooms, chopped
1-2 tbs of chopped onion
2 tbs of chopped tomato
1 slice of Swiss Cheese (I use reduced fat)

Use a mug or bowl that will hold approximately 2 cups.  Spray the bowl with some pam and toss the spinach, mushrooms and onions in. 

Microwave for 1 minute.  Remove from microwave, stir and add the egg substitute. 

Return to Microwave for 1 minute.  Remove and stir again, top with tomatoes and cheese and microwave for another 30 -40 seconds. 

Remove from microwave and let stand for about a minute.  Enjoy!! 

This is approximately 130 calories. 

QOD - Who is your favorite princess (Disney or otherwise)?

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