This past weekend was great! I got to rest a little bit, got some stuff done around the house, got all my errands ran, visited my Grandmother, visited with my Mother-in-Law and got to go on a date with my Husband. For our Sunday night date we went to a local restaurant named Bentley’s. We had a great dinner and wonderful service. I highly recommend this place if you are a local and want a great dinner at a fair price in a low key and relaxing environment. Below is a picture of the yummy demi glazed sirlion I enjoyed.
After dinner we went to the movies together for the first time in over two years. We saw This Means War. Very cute movie – I really like Reese Witherspoon and the two leading men were adorable. Chris Pine is just pure handsome and Tom Hardy has a wonderful accent to go with his rugged good looks.
Diet wise, I stayed pretty close to on track. I did have some wine on Sunday night with dinner and last night with dinner, but otherwise I watched my carb intake very closely as well as my calorie intake. I definitely did not go out of control like I have been doing on the weekends and I am proud of this accomplishment. Yeah for staying in control!
I had planned to start my 30 Day Shred challenge yesterday morning, but I was just still so tired from our late evening on Sunday night that I just could not drag myself out bed on the holiday. So I started my challenge today instead. I was out of bed this morning at 5:30 and working out by 5:50. It took me a little while to get ready to workout since I had to find all my gear in the dark. I will definitely lay all my stuff out tonight so that I can be ready in a couple of minutes instead of stumbling around in the dark. So I popped Jillian’s 30 Day Shred DVD into the DVD player and was ready to rock. Yeah, time for jumping jacks. I forgot that a quarter of the workout is freaking jumping jacks! My knees are screaming at me and my shoulders hurt. I also discovered that my last pregnancy killed my lower abs. I used to be able to do reverse crunches, not anymore. I don’t think there is a muscle left in my lower abs at all! I know today was only day 1 and that by day 30 I will feel better, but ouch, today was hard!! I will be adding a page to this blog with some before and after pictures and my measurements for this challenge. Check back soon.
Now time for my Beck Diet Solution thoughts.
Day 11 – Differentiate Between Hunger, Desire and Cravings
On this topic I had to stop and think about how my body feels when I think I am hungry. The main goal is to shut off the desire and craving urges so that I don’t continue to overeat. The exercise was to document my level of hunger on a scale of 1 to 10 when sitting down to eat a meal. I practiced this on Saturday night when we ate dinner at Applebee’s. I ordered the Roasted Garlic Sirloin off the under 550 calorie menu and subbed the potatoes with steamed veggies. When dinner started I was hungry at 8. Midway through I had moved down to a 4 and when I finished dinner I was at a 1. I ate slowly and enjoyed each bite, giving my brain time to catch up with my stomach. I continued to practice this all weekend and I am happy to be learning the difference between needing to eat and wanting to eat.
Day 12 – Practice Hunger Tolerance
This topic was all about skipping a meal and learning to deal with the hunger pains associated with skipping that meal. I actually did this last week and my hunger pains never got about a 6 on my hunger scale and when I got home that evening I was able to sit down and have a reasonable dinner with out over eating. I know I can go without eating. It won’t kill me. I’ve also learned that quite often I am actually thirsty and not really hungry, so drinking a glass of water will suppress the hunger pains quite well.
Day 13 – Overcome Cravings
This topic was identifying what a craving is and how to handle it. Of course I already know what a craving is and I do have some pretty intense ones for carbie foods, like cake, bread, donuts and potatoes. So this is a key topic for me in learning to overcome them.
First, I learned 5 mindset techniques to deal with the craving.
1. Label it – admit and acknowledge that I am craving this food and that I am not actually hungry and will not die if I don’t eat it.
2. Stand firm – tell myself that I will not give in and eat the said food.
3. Don’t give yourself a choice - I WILL NOT! Nothing tastes as good as thin will feel!
4. Imagine the aftermath of giving in – Stop and think about if I did give in. Yes, the food would probably taste great, but I would feel horrible because I gave in again and keep defeating myself in my journey to lose weight.
5. Remind myself why I want to learn to withstand cravings – I have to read my advantage response cards and remind myself why I what to lose weight.
Second, I learned 4 behavioral techniques to deal with the craving.
1. Distance yourself from the food you crave – Step away from the cupcake!!
2. Drink a no or low calorie beverage – I drink a glass of water or a cup of tea and this usually helps suppress the craving.
3. Relax – stopping for 3 minutes and doing some relaxation exercises can help to take the mind off the craving and make me feel more in control of my cravings. I know that they are usually brought on by stress, so learning to relax and deal with the cause of the stress instead of feeding it is definitely my new plan of action.
4. Distract myself – go for a walk, watch TV, read, knit, chat with a friend, etc. Do anything but sit there and think about eating the food I am craving. If I do something else, I will forget the craving and move on.
Day 14 – Plan for Tomorrow
This topic was all about planning for today (the official start of my diet according to the book). I had to stop and plan for my meals and write it down. I have already done this since I have been following South Beach for the past week. I am prepared for tomorrow.
Have a great day everyone!! Please share your comments and thoughts. J
QOD - What did you do over the long weekend?