Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Weigh In Wednesday / Day 2 of 30 Day Shred

I hurt.  I am sore.  My muscles are screaming at me. 

Yep, day 2 of the 30 Day Shred challenge is complete and muscles I forgot I had (triceps, obliques, deltoids)  are asking begging me to stop the insanity.  It was so hard to get out of bed this morning at 5:30 to do my workout.  Physically, I just wanted to sleep and let me sore body rest.  But mentally, my brain screamed NO!  I reminded myself that the soreness will get better (and get better faster if I workout) and that I must workout if I am serious about losing weight and getting into shape.  I cannot lie in bed and lose weight – it does not work that way!  I have goals and I am going to reach to goals!  Sore quads be damned!

Weigh in today was a meh moment.  Today the scale flashed 238.4.  So I am up a little from last week, but I was expecting it because of the new workout.  When my muscles are taxed they tend to hold on to water.  I expect that when the soreness passes the weight should drop too. 

Today is also the official start date of my diet according to BDS.

Day 15 – Monitor Your Eating.

Today’s topic is all about tracking what you eat.  WRITE IT DOWN!  It is amazing how much better I eat when I actually take a couple of minutes to track the food ( I do this using the Lose It app).  This little step makes me so accountable.  Being accountable is the key to weight loss. Visually seeing a number of calories consumed makes me think about my food choices.

QOD – Do you track your food?

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Long Weekend

This past weekend was great!  I got to rest a little bit, got some stuff done around the house, got all my errands ran, visited my Grandmother, visited with my Mother-in-Law and got to go on a date with my Husband.  For our Sunday night date we went to a local restaurant named Bentley’s.  We had a great dinner and wonderful service. I highly recommend this place if you are a local and want a great dinner at a fair price in a low key and relaxing environment.  Below is a picture of the yummy demi glazed sirlion I enjoyed.

After dinner we went to the movies together for the first time in over two years.  We saw This Means War.  Very cute movie – I really like Reese Witherspoon and the two leading men were adorable.  Chris Pine is just pure handsome and Tom Hardy has a wonderful accent to go with his rugged good looks. 

Diet wise, I stayed pretty close to on track.  I did have some wine on Sunday night with dinner and last night with dinner, but otherwise I watched my carb intake very closely as well as my calorie intake.  I definitely did not go out of control like I have been doing on the weekends and I am proud of this accomplishment.  Yeah for staying in control!

I had planned to start my 30 Day Shred challenge yesterday morning, but I was just still so tired from our late evening on Sunday night that I just could not drag myself out bed on the holiday.   So I started my challenge today instead.  I was out of bed this morning at 5:30 and working out by 5:50.  It took me a little while to get ready to workout since I had to find all my gear in the dark.  I will definitely lay all my stuff out tonight so that I can be ready in a couple of minutes instead of stumbling around in the dark.  So I popped Jillian’s 30 Day Shred DVD into the DVD player and was ready to rock.  Yeah, time for jumping jacks.  I forgot that a quarter of the workout is freaking jumping jacks!  My knees are screaming at me and my shoulders hurt.  I also discovered that my last pregnancy killed my lower abs.  I used to be able to do reverse crunches, not anymore.  I don’t think there is a muscle left in my lower abs at all! I know today was only day 1 and that by day 30 I will feel better, but ouch, today was hard!!  I will be adding a page to this blog with some before and after pictures and my measurements for this challenge.  Check back soon.

Now time for my Beck Diet Solution thoughts.

Day 11 – Differentiate Between Hunger, Desire and Cravings

On this topic I had to stop and think about how my body feels when I think I am hungry.  The main goal is to shut off the desire and craving urges so that I don’t continue to overeat.  The exercise was to document my level of hunger on a scale of 1 to 10 when sitting down to eat a meal.  I practiced this on Saturday night when we ate dinner at Applebee’s.  I ordered the Roasted Garlic Sirloin off the under 550 calorie menu and subbed the potatoes with steamed veggies.  When dinner started I was hungry at 8.  Midway through I had moved down to a 4 and when I finished dinner I was at a 1.  I ate slowly and enjoyed each bite, giving my brain time to catch up with my stomach.  I continued to practice this all weekend and I am happy to be learning the difference between needing to eat and wanting to eat. 

Day 12 – Practice Hunger Tolerance

This topic was all about skipping a meal and learning to deal with the hunger pains associated with skipping that meal.  I actually did this last week and my hunger pains never got about a 6 on my hunger scale and when I got home that evening I was able to sit down and have a reasonable dinner with out over eating.  I know I can go without eating.  It won’t kill me.  I’ve also learned that quite often I am actually thirsty and not really hungry, so drinking a glass of water will suppress the hunger pains quite well.

Day 13 – Overcome Cravings

This topic was identifying what a craving is and how to handle it.  Of course I already know what a craving is and I do have some pretty intense ones for carbie foods, like cake, bread, donuts and potatoes.  So this is a key topic for me in learning to overcome them. 

First, I learned 5 mindset techniques to deal with the craving.
            1. Label it – admit and acknowledge that I am craving this food and that I am not actually hungry and will not die if I don’t eat it.
            2.  Stand firm – tell myself that I will not give in and eat the said food. 
            3.  Don’t give yourself a choice - I WILL NOT! Nothing tastes as good as thin will feel!
            4.  Imagine the aftermath of giving in – Stop and think about if I did give in.  Yes, the food would probably taste great, but I would feel horrible because I gave in again and keep defeating myself in my journey to lose weight.
            5.  Remind myself why I want to learn to withstand cravings – I have to read my advantage response cards and remind myself why I what to lose weight.

Second, I learned 4 behavioral techniques to deal with the craving.
            1.  Distance yourself from the food you crave – Step away from the cupcake!!
            2.  Drink a no or low calorie beverage – I drink a glass of water or a cup of tea and this usually helps suppress the craving.
            3.  Relax – stopping for 3 minutes and doing some relaxation exercises can help to take the mind off the craving and make me feel more in control of my cravings.  I know that they are usually brought on by stress, so learning to relax and deal with the cause of the stress instead of feeding it is definitely my new plan of action.
            4.  Distract myself – go for a walk, watch TV, read, knit, chat with a friend, etc.  Do anything but sit there and think about eating the food I am craving.  If I do something else, I will forget the craving and move on.

Day 14 – Plan for Tomorrow

This topic was all about planning for today (the official start of my diet according to the book).  I had to stop and plan for my meals and write it down.  I have already done this since I have been following South Beach for the past week.  I am prepared for tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone!! Please share your comments and thoughts. J
QOD - What did you do over the long weekend?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Sunny Friday!

Today has been a pretty good day.  I’m a little on the tired side since baby girl is still having some sleep issues and is waking me up in the middle of the night.  However, I will be implementing the new schedule this coming Monday and will hopefully have everyone in synch within a couple of weeks.

This weekend will be time to relax and get some stuff done around the house.  Hopefully we will continue to have some sunshine (today is absolutely gorgeous) and I will be able to get a lot done on this 3 day weekend.  I am one of those people that weather totally effects.  As long as the sun is shining I usually feel great and have pretty good energy, it does not matter to me if it is warm or cold, just sunny.  If it is cloudy and overcast, my energy starts to drop and I get so lethargic.  I am totally a Southern California girl! (Though my dream is to move to Hawaii.)

My other main goal for the weekend is to stay on track with my diet.  I have been on course all week and I don’t need to blow it now.  Weekends are usually my down fall, but I am trying to be present and continue to consciously diet.  To constantly remind myself that NOTHING TASTES AS GOOD AS THIN WILL FEEL!! 

BDS Day 10 – Goal Setting

Today’s topic was about setting realistic goals.  Of course everyone wants to set long term goals (which are great) but it is hard to stay focused on them when it will take time to achieve the goal.  For me, my long term goal is to lose 112 pounds and if I only had that goal I would quickly be disenchanted with the process and would lose focus.  To set a realistic goal (smaller more manageable goals that should be easily attainable in the short term) the book encourages 5 pound increments and to celebrate or award yourself (with a non-food item or event) each time you reach your short term goal.  So I will do what the book suggests and set 5 pound increments and reward myself for each 5 pounds I lose by putting $10 in a celebration jar.  This money will be used to purchase something fabulous or do something fabulous when I reach goal my ultimate goal.  I am also doing some milestone goals 5%, 10%, 15%, onederland, 20%, 25%, 30%, 35%, 40%, then ultimate goal.  I am still trying to decide on my reward for reaching each of these milestones (a reward will be more instant and gratifying) but I will share them once I figure them out.

QOD – Does the weather affect your daily mood?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Catch Up

It is has been a busy week and so here I am catching up for the past three days.

Tuesday – Valentine’s Day

Had a nice day.  We have not really celebrated it because both my hunny and I work and it is hard to doing something together on a weekday.  Maybe we will do something this weekend (may just the two of us too since my MIL will be in town and might be willing to watch the kiddos).  I did make dinner and it was quite yummy.  I made chicken marsala with garlic sautéed broccoli and sautéed squash with peppers and onions.  The chicken was very tasty (I don’t really like chicken so this was great for me find something I like) and the broccoli and squash were also a huge hit.  My son could have eaten the whole bowl of broccoli on his own.  The entire meal was low carb and was within phase 1 of South Beach.  Woohoo for staying in plan!

BDS Day 7 – Change Your Environment

This topic was about changing your environment to better prepare for dieting and losing weight. The first step is to remove temptations.  For me this is out of sight out of mind.  Since I have kids it is hard for me to get rid of all the goodies so the key for me is to put them in the pantry so they don’t tempt me.  If I don’t see the cookies I don’t want the cookies!  The second step was to consider other people at home and work.  My family is well aware of my goals and they are on board so I don’t have to be too strict about what we are eating or what they are eating in front of me. I am also exercising some amazing self-control so changing my environment has been pretty easy to do.  I was able to walk past three large plates of homemade cookies at my office without eating any of them.  They were on the table for two days before they were all gone.  I am quite proud of this accomplishment!

Wednesday – Weigh in day – Official Weigh-in – 236.5!!

Wednesday was a typical rush out the door, get the kids to school, work, run errands, work some more, get kids home from school kind of day.  During the evening I had to prepare the kids picture outfits for today since they were both taking school pictures this morning. 

For dinner I made a fabulous Curried Beef Stir-fry.  OMG it was good and low carb and phase 1 of SB!!

I’m going to try and be a little more adventurous with my seasonings and expand my palate and not my waist.  Also, since I am eating more meat, I have to make it tasty since I am not a big meat eater to begin with.  Giving up the rice and other starchy carbs I’ve used to fill my plate in the past is definitely a change for the better and I am going to embrace this new low carb lifestyle to the best of my ability.  Especially since I am already seeing some really positive movement on the scale! Monday morning I was back up to 241.8 after a weekend of binging on carbs and today I was at 236.5 that translates to a 5.3lb loss in three days.  I know some of it is water weight and it will taper off, but right now it is super encouraging!

BDS Day 8 – Scheduling

This topic is all about scheduling time to diet.  Making time to prepare foods, eat slowly, shop for proper foods, and exercise.  I was required to write out my schedule to make this diet happen.  Below is my proposed weekday schedule (I am going to put it into effect starting next Monday.)


This morning was another rushed morning.  I am having a lot of pain in my right hip at night when trying to sleep (I think it might be bursitis L, so I am going to start a regime of some anti-inflammatories, icing and stretching to see if I can get it feeling better), so I am not sleeping well which is resulting in me oversleeping.  Not good when trying to get three people ready in the morning.  Today the kids had their first official school pictures and I had to get them both adorable for them.  It is crazy, but  my 3 month old had her first school picture taken this morning and she was too cute!  She wore a fabulous pink and white polka-dotted dress with a matching flower hair clippie.  My son was looking pretty cute too in his blue and orange striped rugby shirt and khakis! I am excited to see how these pictures come out.  Dinner tonight will just be leftover stir fry, since I will be trying to clean house a little to get ready for company this weekend.

BDS Day 8 – Select an Exercise Plan

Today’s topic was to pick an exercise plan.  I’ve been pondering my plan for exercise for the past couple of weeks and now I have to decide what I want to do and when.  I actually really love to exercise, but my schedule has been preventing me from doing it so I had pretty much stopped.  I know to lose weight I need to get back on track so no more letting my schedule control me.  I will just have to schedule it in (first thing in the morning) and suck up the lost sleep.  Hopefully the benefits from extra energy because of the exercise will help me power through the day. 

So starting Monday, I will be getting up at 5:00 so that I can do Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred.  I am also going to try and start walking a couple of evenings a week since it is finally getting lighter and I can see where I am going with two kids in tow.  I also want to try and do yoga once a week on either Friday evenings or Sunday afternoon at my favorite studio.  Those are the days that they have community donation yoga and the cost is substantially less.

I am also starting to think long term about my goal to do a triathlon this year before my 35th birthday and if I am going to do this I need to get my bike repaired and start swimming.  I am looking to which triathlon I want to do and possibly joining the local tri club so I can receive some proper training regarding transitioning and pool privileges.  Decisions!

QOD – What is your favorite exercise?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day Thoughts

Today I will express my love for those people who really matter and make a difference in my life.

First, I should publicly express how much I love my husband.  He really is awesome.  He loves me and puts up with my craziness.  I may complain that he may not be much help around the house, but he does try and he is a wonderful person.  To think we have been together right at fourteen years and still going strong!  Love you Greg!

Second, I have the most wonderful kids in the world.  Logan is an amazing little boy, who is so bright and kind.  I love to watch him and try to understand how his mind works. Madelyn is my precious little girl and the apple of my eye.  She steals my heart every day with her sweet little smiles.  I am so excited to watch them grow and make their marks on this world.

Lastly, I really do have some awesome family members and friends.  I love the support you all provide me.  Even if we don’t speak often, please know that I think of you all regularly (if not daily). 

I love you all and hope you have a wonderful day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Monday Madness

This morning started off with some chaos, but every morning does when trying to get two kids ready and out the door along with myself.  Things calmed down by the time I got to work and have been pretty smooth sailing since then. 

Diet wise, I did get a little out of control with the carbs this weekend (major amount of popcorn and mini cupcakes).  I was craving it so I gave in.  It wasn’t bad but I am definitely feeling it today – I can’t get enough to drink.  I guess my body is trying to flush all the salt from the popcorn.  I did start South Beach today and so far so good.  I have craved some bread but I am sticking to my guns and I will do this.

Beck Diet Solution Update:

Day 4 – Give Credit! 

I am supposed to give myself credit each time I do something good, i.e. pass over the bread basket, read my AR cards, exercise, eat slowly, etc.  Too often I am quick beat myself up for failing at something and it creates a downward spiral.  This has been particularly true with trying to lose weight.  I start each day out great, then something happens midday and I give in or cheat on my diet and what happens I give up for the day and say to hell with it, I’ll start again tomorrow.  Well starting again tomorrow has not worked for the past 7 years, so it is definitely not going to start now.  I need to give myself credit when I make the right choices and remind myself of that when I am tempted.  If I do give in, then I need to regroup and start again right away – no more waiting till the next day.

Day 5 – Eat Slowly and Mindfully

I must slow down when I eat.  I need to take time to eat a meal, chew slowly and enjoy my food.  If I enjoy it I will feel full longer and sooner and this will help me reach my goals. 

Day 6 – Find a Diet Coach

So I need to find someone who will be the devil and the angel on my shoulder.  Someone who will hold me accountable and will provide encouragement when needed.  Someone who will be there daily if I need it and will definitely hold me to the plan weekly.  I obviously can’t do this on my own, or I would have lost the weight already.  Any takers?

Friday, February 10, 2012

Finally Friday!

Yeah for Friday!!  I love it when I reach the end of the week.  I am finally feeling a lot better and I am happier!  Why?  Because I got a new job!! I am moving to a different firm at the end of the month and I am excited for the change.  I've been in a pretty toxic environment now for about 2.5 years and it has really brought me down. I am hopeful that I will get out of this slump and move onward and upward.  (Higher pay will help too!J)

Now for day 3 of BDS –

Eat While Seated!!  The whole topic today is about stopping to sit when eating meals and snacks.  I am actually pretty good about this.  I just need to tweak my morning routine a little more so that I actual eat a little slower.  I am so rushed in the morning that I inhale my food and I usually do it while running around.  I don’t just stop and eat.  I need to change this.  The other concept that was stressed in connection with this was to be aware of all the BLTs (bites, licks, and tastes) you consume each day.  I’m not one to graze and I am trying to be better about absentminded eating, so I just need to pay attention to if I am sampling while making dinner.  If I am, I need to stop it!

QOD: Do you eat sitting down?

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Today I am feeling a little better health wise and I am thankful for that.  I am also thankful for a change that is happening.  I see some happiness coming my way. J  I will go into more details in a day or so.

Now for my daily BDS update:

Day 2 – Pick your diet and backup diet.

Today I had to sit down and think about what kind of diet plan I wanted to follow.  Do I want to do WW or Atkins, South Beach or Dukan, count calories or limit carbs...the list could go on and on.  The only requirement is that it is healthy and it is something I think I can do.  I think I am going to try and follow South Beach.  My back up will be Weight Watchers (counting at home).  I can continue to just limit my calories and log my food, like I have been, however I feel I need a little more structure and I need to kick start this weight loss.  I actually have huge carb dependence issues and I need to break it.  I am hoping South Beach can help me do it.  I will of course continue to track my calories and exercise because as I stated before it all boils down to calories in calories out.

QOD: What is your food vice?

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Weigh In Wednesday

Happy to report that the scale flashed 239.3  this morning!! 

Still feeling under the weather and still battling some stomach issues.  I’m really tired of coughing today and my voice is sounding pretty raw from all the hacking.

I read the first 4 chapters of The Beck Diet Solution (“BDS”), which was discussion of the program, what the keys to success are, what makes me eat, how thin people eat, and a summary of the things I will learn over the next six weeks.  For the next 6 weeks I will have a daily task to complete.  I will be recording those tasks here, along with any additional thoughts.

So let me begin.

Day 1 – Record the Advantages of Losing Weight

Today I am creating “advantage response cards” (ARC) on which I will write down why I want to lose weight. I will read these cards daily and I will carry these cards with me all the time and when I face challenges or temptations, I will review them to reinforce me desire to lose weight and overcome the challenges.   I will create the cards, post them for reading in various locations, and schedule reminders for me to actually stop and read the cards. So the topic of the first card is:

So why do I want to lose weight?

·         I’ll look better
·         I’ll be more attractive to others
·         I’ll enjoy shopping for clothing more
·         I’ll be able to exercise without discomfort (run easier, cycle longer)
·         I’ll have more energy
·         I won’t be an embarrassment to my family
·         I’ll be able to play with my kids without getting tired
·         I’ll live longer
·         I’ll be able to do more activities (horseback riding, zip-lining, skydiving, hot-air ballooning)
·         I’ll feel more sexually attractive for my husband
·         I’ll feel more in control
·         I’ll be stronger and physically fit
·         I’ll be happy to wear a swimsuit in Hawaii
·         I’ll look good for Greg’s 20 year class reunion

My schedule is to read my ARC cards each morning when I wake up, during my lunch hour and before dinner each night. 

Picture of my completed card will come tomorrow after I dig up some 3x5 cards at home.

QOD:  What are your reasons for losing weight or maintaining your current weight?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Update (Sick, Super Bowl, Mental)

Still battling a cold and it sucks!! My head hurts and I am totally congested.  At least the stomach flu was short lived (only 3 days).  The weather has also changed again here.  Mother nature can’t seem to make up her mind – one day it is bright and sunny and the next it is cold and damp.  I think all this weather fluctuating is messing with my sinuses as well.

I guess the benefit of all this illness is that I have had really no appetite.  For the Super Bowl (Go Giants!) festivities I made from scratch the following: chili, green chili & cheddar cornbread, pinto beans, salsa, and hot queso dip.  I supplemented it with a fresh veggie tray and some corn chips.  I ate almost nothing!  I felt so awful and none of it really tasted good to me, so I just didn’t eat.  My husband and son chowed down!! They thought it was awesome and ate till they both were ready to pop.  I never intended to eat a ton, but I did plan for the extra calories so I was prepared, but since I never really partook I ended up saving myself a bunch of calories.  I should definitely see a loss on the scale tomorrow. 

As for my pursuit of finding some happiness in the areas that were lacking in my life... I followed some leads but still have not heard anything.  Please keep me in your thoughts that something will pan out.

Exercise wise, I have not been doing too well.  I have taken a hiatus from the stairs since it was irritating my right knee.  I did something to my knee during Christmas and I thought I had gotten over it but I guess not.  It hurts going up and going down.  I’m ok with walking and other activities so I will have to move to something else. 

As I discussed in my post last Wednesday, I have decided to really get to the root of my weight issues (the mental part).  Since I can’t afford psychotherapy I am going to read and implement the Beck Diet Solution (Train Your Brain To Think Like A Thin Person).  The book was discussed in the workshop I attended last week and the fundamental principles are sound.  Furthermore, it is not a diet; it is a thinking plan to works with your diet.  It is all about changing the way you think and your relationship with food.  Right now I turn to food when I am stressed, sad or angry.  I need to break change this relationship and find new ways of coping.  I picked the book up at the library today during my lunch and I will be starting tomorrow.  I will try post daily on the topics and on my thoughts.

QOD: Do emotions trigger you to eat?

Monday, February 6, 2012


Having a cold and the stomache flu at the same time sucks!!

I'll post more later when I don't feel like I was hit by a truck!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Weigh In Wednesday

I have decided that I will weigh in each week on Wednesday morning (usually around 7 am while I am getting ready for work).  This will be my official weight of the week, regardless of the various scale hops I do during the week.  So here is my first official weigh in:

240.2 – which translates to a 2.4 loss!  Woohoo!!

Sorry I didn’t post yesterday.  I was just totally swamped with work and kid issues (my son lost his glasses and we spent an hour searching for them at the school – btw they were found this morning).  I also made a pretty big decision yesterday that I hope will turn into something great.  I will hopefully know more this afternoon.

The reason I was spurred into making a tough decision was the fact that I had a really bad day at work on Monday after a weekend of sabotaging myself. So after my post on Monday, I received a wonderful email from my cousin (who has lost 60 pounds in the past few months) whose words really helped me put things into perspective.  Yesterday while I was still thinking about her email I attended a wellness seminar regarding Healthy Weight and Wellness presented by Ellen Resnick of  During that seminar we learned about the following:

           The importance of prioritizing your wellness goals and tips to stick with it.
           Mindfulness skills and practices for calming your mind and relaxing your body in times of stress.
           To end your dependence on eating as a means of coping with difficult emotions.  You’ll not only discover easy ways to soothe urges to overeat, you’ll also learn how to differentiate emotion-driven hunger from healthy hunger.
           To bring down your cortisol levels (the stress hormone that makes you crave food) by slowing down your breathing intentionally.
           To reach for these tools instead of the refrigerator next time you feel the urge to snack – these alternatives are just as satisfying.

I realized that while my mindless eating comes from stress and unhappiness. In particular I am not happy with my job.  I feel undervalued, unchallenged and as though I am not wanted.  I really have never experienced such a negative environment and I have been here for almost three years just dealing with it.  In dealing with it I have continued to maintain my weight and have not really made it very far at all in my efforts despite the amount of exercise and dieting I have done.  I am glad I have finally figured this out and now I am on a mission to change it.

In the seminar yesterday we also discussed some of the principles from the Beck Diet Solution.  I have heard great things about this program and book and the way it helps you understand your thinking/reasoning process in connection with your eating habits. I am going to order the workbook and check the book out at the library and see if I can apply some of these principles to my life.

QOD: How do you handle stress? Unhappiness?